Background: Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate among cancers. Radiation therapy
(RT) is one of the most effective therapies for lung cancer. The correct segmentation of lung tumors
(LTs) and organs at risk (OARs) is the cornerstone of successful RT.
Methods: We searched four databases for relevant material published in the last 10 years: Web of Science,
PubMed, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The advancement of deep learning-based segmentation
technology for lung cancer radiotherapy (DSLC) research was examined from the perspectives
of LTs and OARs.
Results: In this paper, Most of the dice similarity coefficient (DSC) values of LT segmentation in the
surveyed literature were above 0.7, whereas the DSC indicators of OAR segmentation were all over
Conclusion: The contribution of this review is to summarize DSLC research methods and the issues
that DSLC faces are discussed, as well as possible viable solutions. The purpose of this review is to
encourage collaboration among experts in lung cancer radiotherapy and DL and to promote more research
into the use of DL in lung cancer radiotherapy.
Lung cancer, deep learning, image segmentation, organs at risk, lung tumors, radiation therapy.
Graphical Abstract
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