Objective: Using perioperative VTE prophylactic anticoagulant pathway delicacy management, we aimed to explore the role of clinical pharmacists in perioperative VTE prophylactic anticoagulant treatment and the effect of the clinical medicine pathway implementation.
Methods: In compliance with evidence-based medicine, combined with clinical practice, clinical pharmacists participated in the formulation of the perioperative anticoagulant clinical medicine pathway. The PDCA cycle was strictly implemented. Urologic Department, Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, Qingdao Shandong, China, served as a pilot department for the evaluation of the effect of drug clinical pathway implementation.
Results: The anticoagulant clinical medicine pathway for the urologic department was formulated and implemented from October 2020 to August 2021. The entry rate gradually increased, and the accuracy of thrombosis risk assessment improved. The proportion of drugs in the department and the per capita drug cost decreased significantly.
Conclusion: The perioperative VTE prophylactic anticoagulant pathway showed significant achievements in the rational use of urologic anticoagulant drugs, lowering the cost of medical care. Therefore, it could be considered a novel long-term mechanism for rational analgesia drug use.
Keywords: Anticoagulant, clinical medicine pathway, urologic, perioperative, VTE, rational drug use.