Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets

Author(s): Preeti Chaudhary, Neelam Gulati*, Varsha Gupta, Gazal Dhanda, Mani Bhushan Kumar, Swati Sharma, Anku Goel and Ashok Kumar Attri

DOI: 10.2174/1871526523666230112161134

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Fatal Clostridium sporogenes Soft Tissue Polymicrobial Infections in Two Immunocompetent Cases: Case Report

Article ID: e120123212661 Pages: 3

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Clostridium sporogenes is reported rarely in literature. Reports from the skin and soft tissue infections are even less, more so in immunocompetent patients.

Case Presentation: Two skin and soft tissue infections with C. sporogenes in immunocompetent patients have been presented in this study. One of the cases was following an electrical burn wound, and the other was following a bedsore. Both patients expired despite antibacterial treatment and debridement.

Discussion and Conclusion: C. sporogenes had usually been reported after trauma particularly after penetrating and deep wound infection. More attention should be given to these patients so that the infection can be treated and diagnosed early in suspected anaerobic infections like Clostridium species.

Keywords: Clostridium sporogenes, immunocompetent, fatal, soft tissue, polymicrobial, anaerobes.

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