In order to tackle multifactorial illnesses, the importance of bioactive peptides in nano
drug delivery systems is emphasised. Multifactorial diseases are primarily brought on by protein
misfolding. Therefore, pharmaceutical formulations are recommended to deliver a successful treatment.
Difficulties hinder its application in delivering raw peptides with poor bioavailability, absorption,
and circulation time, making it a difficult assignment for researchers. Recently, bioactive peptides
have become increasingly important in therapy. In addition, several bioactive proteins have
poor absorption characteristics in the GIT. These issues can be resolved by creating nano-based
peptide-based delivery systems that encapsulate, retain, protect, and transport bioactive peptides.
The focus of the proposed review paper is to provide an overview of peptides, commercialization
concerns, and their related attempts to develop into novel peptide-based nanoformulations.
Peptides, bioactive, drug delivery, nanoformulations, multifactorial illnesses, protein misfolding, bioavailability.
Graphical Abstract
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