5D & 4D printings are an advanced version of 3D printing class and are one of the most revolutionary and powerful fabrication methods used for preparing innovative structures and solid substances using precise additive manufacturing technology. It captures the imagination of one with its potential to produce flexible designing and fabrication of innovative products with high complexity and speed. This technology with the assistance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) facilitates real-time sensing, adapting to change, and predicting the state of printing. 3D printing works by employing advanced materials utilizing a computer aided design with tomography scan under AI control which deposits printing material in accordance with the nature of a file usually in STL format, but it requires time for printing. This shortcoming can be overcome by 4D printing where smart materials are incorporated with time as 4th dimension. This technique has self-repair and self-assembly properties that will save around 80% of time. Some printed materials are made sensitive to temperature, humidity, light, and other parameters so that they can respond to stimulus, but it’s one limitation of not being able to print complex shapes having curved surfaces can be overcome by utilising 5D printing where additive manufacturing is done by rotation of extruder head and rotation of print bed to print in 5 different axes. This review evaluates the prospective of these techniques with AI interference in medicine and pharmacy, with its effective and efficient production for the required design precision.
Keywords: 3D printing, 4D printing, 5D printing, smart materials, shape changing, additive manufacturing, artificial intelligence, solid freeform technology (SFF).