Background: Germanium is a biologically active trace element, and it is present in almost
all organs and tissues. Its biological activity was revealed in the 20th century. However, the study on
the possibility of using germanium for medical purposes was first undertaken by the Japanese scientist
Dr. Kazuhiko Asai in 1940. In 1965, academician M.G.Voronkov and colleagues synthesized tricyclic
esters of triethanolamine germanium with the general formula XGe(OCH2CH2)3N and studied their
biological activity. However, the adaptogenic properties of these compounds have not been sufficiently
studied. In this regard, there is an urgent need to study the adaptogenic properties of these drugs.
Objective: As the resistance of the organism to stress factors primarily depends on energy metabolism,
the aim of our work was to study the influence of stress and 1- (germatran-1-il) –oxyethylamine (GM)
on the functional state of mitochondria.
Methods: The functional state of mitochondria was studied as per the rate of mitochondria respiration
by the level of lipid peroxidation and fatty acid composition of mitochondrial membranes by chromatography
Results: It was shown that the drug in concentrations of 10-5, 10-6, and 10-11M reduced the intensity of
LPO in the membranes of "aged" mitochondria. This may serve as evidence regarding the presence of
anti-stress properties in the drug. Injection of GM at a dose of 10-5 mol/kg to rats prevented the activation
of LPO in the membranes of the liver mitochondria in conditions of acute hypobaric hypoxia. Restricting
lipid peroxidation, GM prevented changes in the content of C18 and C22 fatty acids in mitochondrial
membranes, which probably contributed to maintaining the bioenergetic characteristics of
mitochondria at the control level.
Conclusion: It is assumed that the anti-stress activity of the drug is associated with its antioxidant
properties and its effect on the complex I of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.
Germatranes, adaptogens, lipid, peroxidation, fatty acids, mitochondria.
Graphical Abstract
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