Introduction: A more modern, extremely applicable method for signal acquisition is
compression sensing. It permits effective data sampling at a rate that is significantly lower than what
the Nyquist theorem suggests. Compressive sensing has a number of benefits, including a muchreduced
demand for sensory devices, a smaller memory storage need, a greater data transfer rate,
and significantly lower power usage. Compressive sensing has been employed in a variety of applications
because of all these benefits. Neuro-signal acquisition is a domain in which compressive
sensing has applications in the medical industry.
Methods: The novel methods discussed in this article are FFT-based CoSaMP (FFTCoSaMP),
DCT-based CoSaMP(DCTCoSaMP) and DWT-based CoSaMP (DWTCoSaMP) based on sparse
signal sequences / dictionaries by means of Transform Techniques, where CoSaMP stands for Compressive
Sampling Matching Pursuit with respect to Objective Quality Assessment Algorithms like
PSNR, SSIM and RMSE, where CoSaMP stands for Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit.
Results: DWTCoSaMP is giving the PSNR values of 40.26 db, for DCTCoSaMP and FFTCoSaMP,
PSNR is 36.76 db and 34.76 db. For DWTCoSaMP, SSIM value is 0.8164, and for DCTCoSaMP
and FTCoSaMP, SSIM 0.719 and 0.5625 respectively. Finally, for DWTCoSaMP, RMSE value is
0.442, and for DCTCoSaMP and FFTCoSaMP, SSIM 0.44 and 0.4425, respectively.
Conclusion: Among Compressed sampling techniques DWTCoSaMP, DCTCoSaMP and FFTCoSaMP
discussed in this paper, DWTCoSaMP reveals the best results.
Dictionary learning, orthogonal basis, CoSaMP-compressive sampling matching pursuit, compressed Sensing, fast fourier transforms, discrete cosine transforms discrete wavelet transforms.
Graphical Abstract
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