Background: The title compound (C9H9N2)2[CoCl4] belongs to a large compound’s family, enriching the new technologies materials range.
Objective: The chemical synthesis and the crystal structure are the main goals to reach in this study. In addition, the optoelectronic properties and the material behavior are investigated.
Methods: The single-crystal diffraction, photoluminescence, infrared spectroscopy, and several computations are applied in this work to characterize the studied compound.
Results: At room temperature, the synthesized (C9H9N2)2[CoCl4] crystallizes in the monoclinic C2/c space group. The cohesion of the 0-D crystal structure is ensured by hydrogen interactions and confirmed by the Hirshfeld surface analysis.
Conclusion: A new hybrid compound is discovered and added to the structural database ICDD. The structural study, the spectroscopic investigations, particularly the photoluminescence, indicate that the newly obtained material is promising for interesting application as a non-linear optical material.
Keywords: Cobalt complex, crystal structure, X-ray diffraction, vibrational study, hirshfeld surface analysis, optical study.