Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Pundru Chandra Shaker Reddy* and Yadala Sucharitha

DOI: 10.2174/2666255816666221104115024

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A Design and Challenges in Energy Optimizing CR-Wireless Sensor Networks

Article ID: e041122210646 Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The progress of the Cognitive Radio-Wireless Sensor Network is being influenced by advancements in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which significantly have unique features of cognitive radio technology (CR-WSN). Enhancing the network lifespan of any network requires better utilization of the available spectrum as well as the selection of a good routing mechanism for transmitting informational data to the base station from the sensor node without data conflict.

Aims: Cognitive radio methods play a significant part in achieving this, and when paired with WSNs, the above-mentioned objectives can be met to a large extent.

Methods: A unique energy-saving Distance- Based Multi-hop Clustering and Routing (DBMCR) methodology in association with spectrum allocation is proposed as a heterogeneous CR-WSN model. The supplied heterogeneous CR-wireless sensor networks are separated into areas and assigned a different spectrum depending on the distance. Information is sent over a multi-hop connection after dynamic clustering using distance computation.

Results: The findings show that the suggested method achieves higher stability and ensures the energy-optimizing CR-WSN. The enhanced scalability can be seen in the First Node Death (FND). Additionally, the improved throughput helps to preserve the residual energy of the network which helps to address the issue of load balancing across nodes.

Conclusion: Thus, the result acquired from the above findings shows that the proposed heterogeneous model achieves the enhanced network lifetime and ensures the energy optimizing CR-WSN.

Keywords: Cognitive Radio-Wireless Sensor Network (CR-WSN), heterogeneous approach, spectrum allocation, Distance- Based Multi-hop clustering, Routing (DBMCR), energy optimization.

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