Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Sanya Khruahong, Sinh Cong Lam* and Duc-Tan Tran

DOI: 10.2174/2352096516666221103144045

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Performance of Indoor 5G 3GPP Systems

Page: [498 - 507] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: The 5G cellular networks are expected to provide high data rates for indoor environments by utilizing the mmWave bands. Due to a lack of general path loss models of these bands, various works have been carried out to find the most appropriate model that can provide accurate values of path loss over distance for different indoor scenarios. This paper focuses on some well-known path loss models, e.g., mixed and OpenOffice models introduced by 3GPP; the dualstripe model was presented by Alcatel-Lucent, picoChip Designs, and Vodafone at the 3GPP meeting; single and dual ABG models were designed by leading academic and industrial labs.

Methods: Two network scenarios, e.g., single-cell and 3-cell networks, are utilized in simulation to analyze the effects of path loss models on network performance.

Results: The simulation results indicate that the single-slop and dual-slop models can derive a similar performance when only a cell is deployed. However, in a 3-cell network system with intercell interference, the achieved performance in these systems is significantly different.

Conclusion: The dual-slop model is better than the single–slope model in terms of path loss modeling since it can capture more characteristics of wireless transmission links, particularly the Light-of- Sight (LoS) and Non-LoS (NLoS) effects.

Keywords: 5G, indoor environment, performance, path loss, 3GPP, Light-of-Sight (LoS).

Graphical Abstract

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