This review describes the basic and application aspects of the optical properties of nanoparticles
(NPs), which determine the dynamics and results of optical (laser) radiation interaction with NPs
and their surroundings through NP light absorption and heat generation. In addition to the importance
of primary optical processes, the thermal application of the light–NP interaction has attracted significant
interest from various areas ranging from photochemistry to laser material processing and nanobiomedicine.
First of all, the information provided is intended for laser specialists, photochemists and
nanobiologists who are not so familiar with various optical data for understanding of the influence of
NP optical properties on the results of optical or laser action on NPs and medium. Secondly, our review
will be useful for researchers who conduct high-temperature investigations of the intense optical
action on NPs that needs to take into account the dependence of NP optical properties on its temperature
under NP heating. Our attention is focused on two variants of the applications of NP optical properties.
Firstly, we shortly reviewed the optical properties of NPs at their initial or slightly higher temperatures
reached under the influence of moderate radiation intensity. They are presented in numerous
publications and are used as basic data. On the other side, the development of modern hightemperature
laser and optical technologies needs to use the NPs optical properties at temperatures of
about 1x103 K and more. For high power laser and optical technologies, it is necessary to take into account
the temperature dependences of the optical parameters of various metals, dielectrics and other
materials. Among these technologies, one should list laser processing of NPs, thermal laser biomedicine,
solar and photo nanocatalysis, solar nanostructured absorbers. The selection and use of suitable
optical properties of NPs are crucial to successful achievements and results in high-temperature experiments
and applications. Novel information on optical property dependence on temperature obtained
from currently available literature has been presented for possible applications in optical and laser
high-temperature processes interactions with NPs. However, unfortunately, the essential information
on the effect of temperature on the optical properties of NPs is currently limited. In addition to the latest
information, this review also includes the figures obtained by our own calculations to provide
readers with a better understanding of the NP optical properties. From the side of the application, the
use of NP optical properties is considered, which provide multiple varieties of moderate and hightemperature
technology opportunities, many of which are ongoing and some of them are promising
bright results in the near future. The beneficial outcome and the results of further activities in the research
of intense laser and optical interactions with NPs can influence various fields of science and
technology: nano and photochemistry, biomedicine, nanophysics, material science, etc.
Nanoparticles, optical properties, dependence on temperature, absorption, heating processes, thermal laser.
Graphical Abstract
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