Current Radiopharmaceuticals

Author(s): Manisha Bharti, Md. Aftab Alam*, Gudhanti Siva Nago Koteswara Rao and Pramod Kumar Sharma

DOI: 10.2174/1874471016666221028110222

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A Brief Review of Radioactive Materials for Therapeutic and Diagnostic Purposes

Page: [23 - 37] Pages: 15

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Radiation treatment has been advancing ever since the discovery of X-rays in 1895. The goal of radiotherapy is to shape the best isodose on the tumor volume while preserving normal tissues. There are three advantages: patient cure, organ preservation, and cost-effectiveness. Randomized trials in many various forms of cancer (including breast, prostate, and rectum) with a high degree of scientific proof confirmed radiotherapy's effectiveness and tolerance. Such accomplishments, critical to patients' quality of life, have been supported in the past. Radiopharmaceuticals were developed to diagnose and treat various disorders, including hyperthyroidism, bone discomfort, cancer of the thyroid gland, and other conditions like metastases, renal failure, and myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction perfusion. It is also possible to sterilize thermo-labile materials with a radioactive substance. This includes surgical dressings and a wide range of other medical supplies. Nuclear medicine provides various advantages, including tumor localization, safe diagnosis, no radiation buildup, and excellent treatment effectiveness. Nowadays, the field of nuclear pharmacy is focused on developing novel radioactive pharmaceutical substances that will be useful.

Keywords: Radiotherapy, diagnosis, GMP of radiopharmaceuticals, radioactive agents, computational advancement, radioimmunotherapy.

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