COVID-19, aka Coronavirus Disease 2019, triggered by new severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus-2 or SARS-CoV-2, is now a public health emergency due to its rapid spread, high
transmission efficiency, and severe viral pandemic that is significantly increasing the number of
patients and associated deaths. Currently, no specific treatment is available for this highly contagious
virus. The unavailability of effective and specific treatments and the severity of this epidemic situation
potentiate medicinal chemists’ in supporting new prophylactic or therapeutic interventions against
COVID-19. This study discusses the therapeutic potential of hesperidin, a traditionally used herbal
medicine with an exceptional safety profile. Recent studies on hesperidin advocate its promising potential
in the prevention and management of COVID-19. This paper also discusses the recent clinical
studies based on the previously documented antiviral activity of hesperidin. Herein, we propose the
detailed preclinical and clinical manifestations of hesperidin based on its multifaceted bioactivities to
develop a novel anti-COVID-19 lead.
COVID-19, hesperidin, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory activity, SARS-COV-2, antiviral activity.
Graphical Abstract
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