Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): Hao Wu, Jyoti Bhola*, Rahul Neware and Sathyapriya Eswaran

DOI: 10.2174/2352096515666220926112723

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Key Technologies of Data Security and Privacy Protection in the Internetof- Things Group Intelligence Perception

Page: [135 - 142] Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Aim: To study the key technology of privacy protection and data security in the Internet of Things group intelligence perception, a cryptographic-based technology was proposed.

Background: First, the background of group intelligence perception and three existing problems were briefly introduced, and the inherent contradictions among the three problems, which led to some challenges in this study, were reported.

Objective: A network model, a security model, and design goals were constructed, and a solution based on cryptography-related technology was proposed.

Methods: The security and cost complexity of the proposed solution was theoretically analysed. The calculation cost of mobile phone measurement verified the practical feasibility of the scheme.

Results: When ɛ was considerably small, both false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) were small (close to 0). With an increase in ɛ, the FP rate increased, and the FN rate became 0. When ɛ = 0.5, the FP rate was only 0.1, and the equivalent FN rate was 0 after the user completed 50 tasks. The trust model used was highly accurate.

Conclusion: This study has great significance in promoting safe and reliable application development to ensure the genuineness and trustworthiness of data in the aggregation of intermediate data and back-end data services.

Keywords: Internet of things, group intelligence perception, cloud computing, privacy protection, data reliability, false positive.

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