Hoslundia opposita is an aromatic plant of the family Lamiaceae and the only member of
the Hoslundia genus. It is used traditionally for treating HIV/AIDs related diseases, Breast cancer,
gonorrhea, syphilis, appendicitis, epilepsy and convulsion, malaria, etc. A review of relevant literature
on biology, folkloric uses, phytochemistry and pharmacology were done. The electronic databases
searched included Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, Wiley and Springer. Sixteen bioactive
compounds have been isolated from the plants, namely; 3-O-benzoylhosloppone, 3-Ocinnamoylhosloppone,
3-O-benzoylhinokiol, 3-O-benzoylhosloquine, Euscaphic acid, 5,7-
dimethoxy6-methylflavone, Hoslunddiol, Oppositin, 5-O-methylhoslundin, Tectochrysin, Hoslundin,
Hoslunfuranine, 5-O-methylhoslunfuranine, Hosloppin, Hoslundal and Ursolic acid. The
plant, with its phytochemicals, has shown various pharmacological effects such as antimalarial, antidiabetes,
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and immunomodulatory effects. This review
presented scientific findings on the therapeutic potential of Hoslundia opposita against several infectious
and non-infectious diseases. There is a need for further investigation of the mechanism underlying
the therapeutic potential of this plant against various diseases. There is also a need for clinical
trials which will validate its efficacy and safety.
Hoslundia opposita, traditional uses, pharmacological effects, phytochemistry, triterpenoids, neuroprotective effect.
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