Recent Patents on Engineering

Author(s): Xiaowei Li*, Qing Li and Junhui Zhang

DOI: 10.2174/1872212117666220915113501

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Trajectory Tracking Control for Small Electric Sweeper Based on the Hybrid Control Method

Article ID: e150922208840 Pages: 12

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Trajectory tracking, one of the critical automatic driving technologies, is significant for the operation of small electric sweepers working in complex road environments, such as campuses and closed parks.

Methods: This paper investigates a trajectory tracking control system for small self-driving electric sweepers on roads with different operating speed requirements. A hybrid control method combining sliding mode control and model predictive control is proposed, with sliding mode control operating under low-speed (<2 m/s) conditions, and model predictive control operating under high-speed (>2 m/s) conditions. An improved sliding mode controller based on the kinematic model is designed to reduce chattering, and a model predictive controller based on the dynamics model is constructed.

Results: Finally, the performance of the hybrid control method is verified using the MATLAB/ Simulink platform.

Conclusion: The simulation results prove the effectiveness of the hybrid control method and the good tracking performance of the electric sweeper at different driving speeds.

Keywords: Small sweeper, trajectory tracking control, sliding mode control, model predictive control, hybrid control method, autonomous vehicles.

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