Background: COVID-19 may have an impact on diabetes pathogenesis. For people with
COVID-19 infection as well as for healthy individuals, blood glucose control is essential. Nowadays,
innovations like telemedicine are helpful in treating diabetic patients.
Objectives: We examined the data on the link between diabetes and COVID-19, the pathogenesis of
diabetes, and treatment of COVID-19 infection in diabetic patients.
Methods: Up until October 2, 2021, the key terms 'COVID-19,' 'SARSCoV2,' 'diabetes,' and 'antidiabetic
therapy' were searched in the PubMed database and Google Scholar. The full texts of the articles
were accessed.
Results: Some diseases, for instance, diabetes, are continuously suggested as risk factor which result
in the severity and mortality of COVID-19. However, to date, there are no comprehensive studies
aiming to explain the exact relationship between diabetes and COVID-19. COVID-19 has been
linked to an increased incidence and severity in diabetic patients. COVID-19 may have an impact on
diabetes pathogenesis. Blood glucose control is critical not only for COVID-19-infected patients but
also for those who do not have the condition. In today's world, innovations like telemedicine are
helpful in treating diabetic patients.
Conclusion: Thus, this study aims to summarize the evidence about diabetes and COVID-19 outbreak
through a systematic review and meta-analysis approach. COVID-19 has been linked to an
increased incidence and severity in diabetic patients.
COVID-19, diabetes mellitus, SARS-CoV, prognosis, respiratory infection, spike protien.
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