Background: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a clinical condition associated
with numerous individual and collective negative consequences. According to several etiological
theories and retrospective research, child maltreatment (CM) may be considered a central
factor explaining BPD development.
Objective: In order to verify this hypothesis, a systematic review of prospective longitudinal
studies was conducted.
Methods: Following searches in five electronic databases, 19 articles that examined the relationship
between CM (i.e., physical, sexual and emotional abuse; physical and emotional
neglect) and BPD (i.e., diagnosis or severity score) were selected.
Results: Overall, the results only partly confirm the hypothesis that CM is a risk factor for
BPD. Evidence for a prospective relationship between CM and later BPD is stronger in studies
using a symptom count compared to a categorical diagnosis. However, the small number of
studies precludes assessing the differential impacts between CM types and BPD.
Conclusion: Available prospective longitudinal studies do not unequivocally support the idea
that CM is a robust risk factor for BPD. Future research needs are discussed.
Child maltreatment, borderline personality disorder, risk factor, prospective longitudinal studies, chronic condition, CN.
Graphical Abstract
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