Omnipresence of microplastics (<5mm) in our ecosystem has presented a
worldwide concern for the future. This review aims to highlight the toxic effect of microplastic
on marine organisms, identify the research gaps in the microplastic identification
techniques (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, Pyrolysis-
gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy, etc.) and remediation processes available
(flocculation, membrane bioreactor, bioremediation, etc.) as well as throw light on the
prospects to mitigate the microplastic pollution in the environment. The abundance of
microplastics in the oceans and its subsequent ingestion causes false satiation leading to
starvation, weakened immune system, reduced reproduction rate, and other toxic effects
on marine organisms. Recent studies have also found the presence of microplastics in
human bodies, without the true knowledge of its effects. Based on the reviewed literature,
a combination of different analytical (identification) techniques is proven to be
more useful in providing a detailed understanding of the microplastic sample in comparison
to any one individual technique. Amongst all the available remediation techniques,
bioremediation has shown the potency to be used as a sustainable, environment friendly,
in-situ remediation process with engineered microbes/enzymes as the potential future of
microplastic remediation.
Microplastic, Wastewater, Sources of microplastics, Impact on marine organisms, Remediation techniques, Bioremediation.
Graphical Abstract
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