Nanoscience & Nanotechnology-Asia

Author(s): Dipthi Shree*, Chinam Niranjan Patra and Biswa Mohan Sahoo

DOI: 10.2174/2210681212666220707141136

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Fabrication and Applications of Raft-Forming System - An Emerging Trend in Gastro-retentive Drug Delivery System

Article ID: e070722206711 Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background and Objective: In the past several decades, the gastro-retentive drug delivery system is considered a novel approach which has gained immense popularity in the field of novel drug delivery systems. Among several approaches to achieving gastric retention raft-forming system which comes under the classification of floating drug delivery system is a subject of special research interest. This advanced drug delivery system has the potential to attain a prolonged and predictable drug delivery at specific sites of the GI tract mainly in the stomach and intestine thereby exhibiting a relatively constant plasma profile. Thus, the floating raft-forming system finds usefulness over conventional therapeutics to treat several gastrointestinal disorders viz., gastroesophageal reflux disorder, acid reflux, peptic ulcer, esophagitis, etc.

Methods: In this current manuscript, an extensive search is performed for original research papers using databases viz., Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct, etc. Further, painstaking efforts are made to compile and update the recent findings of the formulation scientists working exclusively in the area of raft-forming systems. This article portrays a detailed survey about several applications of raft-forming systems in the form of tables.

Conclusion: The floating raft-forming system has the potential for controlled drug release in the upper part of the GI tract and exerts improved bioavailability of the medications having a narrow absorption window. Thus, it is concluded that this advanced dosage form is the caliber candidate for the treatment of several gastrointestinal ailments.

Keywords: Novel drug delivery, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, buoyancy, gastric retention, floating system, migrating myoelectric cycle, gastric residence time, gastric emptying time, therapeutic efficacy.

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