Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Author(s): J. Supriya* and J.S. Rajashekar

DOI: 10.2174/2352096515666220707115544

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A Comprehensive Review of Various Isolated DC-DC Converters Topologies Associated with Photovoltaic Applications

Page: [595 - 606] Pages: 12

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Environmentally friendly renewable energy sources have shown substantial development over the last few years. Compared with other RES, extracting power from solar has become the most beneficial and profitable source because of its environmentally friendly nature. In the process of power extraction, DC-DC converters have given conspicuous interest due to their broad use in various applications. Although many advancements, research work, and continuous tuning of circuits of photovoltaic systems, remarkable efficiency and stability have not been achieved yet. This paper identifies and studies the exhaustive research and development of DC-DC converters. It surveys the difficulties associated with implementing new converter topologies in photovoltaic applications and presents new topologies with simpler control and a lower number of economic components that are suitable for solar applications. Various types of isolated converters are explained, such as different bidirectional converters, high step-up converters, zero current switchings, highfrequency isolated converters, isolated converters with discontinuous input, quasi-Z-source converters, multiport converters, high efficient converters, single-switch converters and single-switch resonant converters. Different types of structural characteristics and operations of the converters are presented. Based on the distinct features, a comparison of the converters has been carried out. From the review, a single converter topology does not fulfill all of the requirements in the industry. Future scopes of the research trend are suggested. The current survey is to update the research carried out during the time gap.

Keywords: Bidirectional isolated dc-dc converters, energy storage systems, renewable energy systems, efficiency, topology, renewable energy system.

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