Introduction: Idiopathic CD4+ Lymphocytopenia (ICL) is a rare entity grouped in non– HIV-related syndromes. ICL is characterized by a marked low CD4 T cell count of <300 cells/mm3 with ambiguous natural history and prognosis. In addition, cryptococcal and nontuberculous mycobacterial infections are reported as known opportunistic infections. Therefore, management turns around vigilant follow-up and treatment of the current clinical scenario of these patients.
Case Presentation: Here, a 55-year-old lady was referred with a history of diffuse headache and intermittent fever for two months, projectile vomiting, and altered mental status for five days. Nonpruritic maculopapular rashes and diffuse desquamation of the skin were noted. She had no significant previous medical history. Based on clinical findings and investigations, she was diagnosed with ICL having disseminated cryptococcosis. Unfortunately, the patient did not undergo specific treatment as she was recognized late, and unfortunately, she died.
Conclusion: It is of paramount importance to recognize the clinical entity as early as possible to start appropriate treatment, which may positively impact the outcome. Therefore, the clinician must be aware of disseminated cryptococcosis associated with non-HIV states.
Keywords: Cryptococcal meningitis, ICL opportunistic infections, impaired immunity, immunocompetent, rare entity, non- HIV.