CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets

Author(s): Faijan Akhtar, Parth K. Patel, Md Belal Bin Heyat, Saba Yousaf, Atif Amin Baig*, Rashenda Aziz Mohona, Muhamad Malik Mutoffar, Tanima Bhattacharya, Bibi Nushrina Teelhawod, Jian Ping Li*, Mohammad Amjad Kamal and Kaishun Wu*

DOI: 10.2174/1871527321666220614121439

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Smartphone Addiction among Students and its Harmful Effects on Mental Health, Oxidative Stress, and Neurodegeneration towards Future Modulation of Anti-Addiction Therapies: A Comprehensive Survey based on SLR, Research Questions, and Network Visualization Techniques

Page: [1070 - 1089] Pages: 20

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Addiction is always harmful to the human body. Smartphone addiction also affects students' mental and physical health.

Aim: This study aims to determine the research volume conducted on students who are affected by smartphone addiction and design a database. We intended to highlight critical problems for future research. In addition, this paper enterprises a comprehensive and opinion-based image of smartphone-addicted students.

Methodology: We used two types of methods, such as systematic literature review and research questions based on the Scopus database to complete this study. We found 27 research articles and 11885 subjects (mean ±SD: 440.19 ± 513.58) using the PRISMA technique in this study. Additionally, we have deeply investigated evidence to retrieve the current understanding of smartphone addiction from physical changes, mental changes, behavioural changes, impact on performance, and significant concepts. Furthermore, the effect of this addiction has been linked to cancers, oxidative stress, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Results: This work has also revealed the future direction and research gap on smartphone addiction among students and has also tried to provide goals for upcoming research to be accomplished more significantly and scientifically.

Conclusion: This study suggests future analysis towards identifying novel molecules and pathways for the treatment and decreasing the severity of mobile addiction.

Keywords: Addiction, brain, education, health, mobile, neurological disorders, nervous system, oxidative stress, student, scopus, side effect, systematic literature review, electromagnetic field, radiations.

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