Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry

Author(s): Bushra Ansari, Tapan Behl, Abdul Saboor Pirzada and Haroon Khan*

DOI: 10.2174/1568026622666220527092825

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Caralluma edulis (Apocynaceae): A Comprehensive Review on its Traditional Uses, Phytochemical Profile and Pharmacological Effects

Page: [1501 - 1514] Pages: 14

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Caralluma edulis is a well-known species of the genus Caralluma from Apocynaceae, commonly known as chunga. Caralluma species are mostly succulent perennial herbs, several of which are edible species. The plant has an outstanding therapeutic background in the traditional system of treatment. It has been recommended for the treatment of a number medical disorders such as hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatism, gastric problems and leprosy. Traditionally the stem was boiled in water and this extract was then used to cure diabetes. The pharmacological effects of C. edulis have also been explored in various in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this regard, the extract of the plant exhibited strong antioxidant, and analgesic activity against inflammation as well as xylene-mediated ear edema as topical effects. The significant anti-hyperlipidemic effect of the plant extract is also reported. However, the extract was found insignificant in the reversal of alloxan-induced diabetes in the rabbit model at test doses. These pharmacological effects are strongly supported by the presence of different bioactive phytochemicals in the plant. These groups of compounds include sterols, terpenoids, flavonoids, and pregnane glycosides. C. edulis is a very potential member of the genus Caralluma with strong traditional history, phytochemistry and phytopharmacology, and needs further exploration for clinically used lead compounds. In this review, we have focused on combining different reported data on the traditional uses of the plant, its phytochemical profile and pharmacological effects in different experimental assay along with subsequent future prospects.

Keywords: Caralluma edulis, Plant description, Chunga, Choung, Edulis plant, Phytochemical profile, Pharmacological effects.

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