Nowadays, there is an urgent need to discover and develop long-term and effective antimicrobial and
biofilm-inhibiting compounds. Employing combination therapies using novel drug delivery systems and also
natural antimicrobial substances is a promising strategy in this field. Nanoparticles (NPs)-based materials have
become well appreciated in recent times due to their function as antimicrobial agents or carriers for promoting
the bioavailability and effectiveness of antibiotics. Flavonoids belong to the promising groups of bioactive
compounds abundantly found in fruits, vegetables, spices, and medicinal plants with strong antimicrobial features.
Flavonoids and NPs have the potential to work as alternatives to the conventional antimicrobial agents,
when used alone as well as in combination. Different classes of flavonoid NPs may be particularly advantageous
in treating microbial infections. The most important antimicrobial mechanisms of flavonoid NPs include
oxidative stress induction, non-oxidative mechanisms, and metal ion release. However, the efficacy of flavonoid
NPs against pathogens and drug-resistant pathogens changes according to their physicochemical characteristics
as well as the particular structure of microbial cell wall and enzymatic composition. In this review, we provide
an outlook on the antimicrobial mechanism of flavonoid-based NPs and the crucial factors involved in it.
Flavonoids, nanoparticles, antimicrobial, antibacterial, infection, multidrug-resistant bacteria, pathogens.
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