Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the most promising candidates for cellular therapies, and most therapeutic applications have focused on MSCs produced from adult bone marrow, despite mounting evidence that MSCs are present in a wide range of conditions. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) is a valuable source of hematopoietic stem cells, but its therapeutic potential extends beyond the hematopoietic component, which also suggests solid organ regenerative potential. With potential ranging from embryonic- like to lineage-committed progenitor cells, many different stems and progenitor cell populations have been postulated. MSC is currently inferred by numerous clinical applications for human UCB. As stem cell therapy kicks off some new research and these cells show such a boon to stem cell therapy, it is nevertheless characteristic that the prospect of UCB conservation is gaining momentum. Taken together, the experience described here shows that MSCs derived from UCB are seen as attractive therapeutic candidates for various human disorders including cancer. It is argued that a therapeutic stem cell transplant, using stem cells from UCB, provides a reliable repository of early precursor cells that can be useful in a large number of different conditions, considering issues of safety, availability, transplant methodology, rejection, and side effects. In particular, we focus on the concept of isolation and expansion, comparing the phenotype with MSC derived from the UCB, describing the ability to differentiate, and lastly, the therapeutic potential concerning stromal support, stemness characteristic, immune modulation, and cancer stem cell therapy. Thus it is an overview of the therapeutic application of UCB derived MSCs, with a special emphasis on cancer. Besides, the current evidence on the double-edged sword of MSCs in cancer treatment and the latest advances in UCB-derived MSC in cancer research will be discussed.
Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cells, umbilical cord blood, stemness, therapeutic potential, cancer treatment, progenitor cells.