This mini-review summarizes the methods available for the synthesis of transition metalsulfur
complexes, which have been used as models of metalloprotein active sites, desulfurization catalysts,
and organometallic functional materials. All the methods use silicon-sulfur compounds as starting
materials, exploiting the selective cleavage of Si—S bond and the subsequent incorporation of
sulfur fragments into the metal complex. Mechanistic considerations are also provided. Period covered:
1968 to date.
Sulfur, chalcogen, silicon, bond cleavage, bond activation, transition metal, complex, cluster.
Graphical Abstract
A search on reaxys database carried out on 15 April 2021 using a combination of the words "transition metal", "sulfur", and "complex" gave 95 hits for year 2020.
The ratio 4a/5a = 79/21 reported by authors in the Supporting Information for reaction (24) at equilibrium is actally the ratio 5a/4a. The equilibrium between 5a and 4a has been studied using a mixture of (SiCl3)2 and 5a, not 4a. On that assumption, the equilibrium constant calculated by authors for Eq. (24) is 0.03
Cotton, F.A.; Wilkinson, G.; Murillo, C.A.; Bochmann, M. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1999.
Wulfsberg, G. Inorganic Chemistry; University Science Books, 2000.