Objective: The main focus of this article is to analyze numerous in-vitro methods and their
modifications currently used to assess the absorption or permeability of drug molecules from different
Methods: In the literature, no single method can be applied as a gold standard for measuring the exact
permeability of each drug molecule. Various in-vitro methods, including tissue and cell-based models,
are reported to assess the absorption of drugs. Caco2 cell is a widely used model for absorption studies
but sometimes provides inaccurate results. Alternative methods like Madin-Darby canine kidney, IEC-
18, TC-7, 2/4/A1, and IPEC-J2 cell lines are also used. In this study, the merits and demerits of each
method have been described, along with the factors affecting the results of absorption studies. The
selection of an appropriate method is critical in accurately assessing the permeability and absorption of
drugs by mechanisms like vesicular and active transport. This review article aims to provide in-depth
knowledge regarding the different in-vitro methods, strategies, and selection of appropriate in-vitro
models to predict intestinal absorption.
Conclusion: A flow chart diagram for decision-making in selecting an appropriate in-vitro permeability
model for formulation has been proposed for estimating permeability.
Absorption, in-vitro, tissue-based, cell-based, permeability, correlation.
Graphical Abstract
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