Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications

Author(s): Narayan C. Debnath* and Archana Patel*

DOI: 10.2174/2666255815666220411081837

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Ontology Evaluation Tools: Current and Future Research

Article ID: e110422203361 Pages: 14

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


In recent years, the increasing interest in ontologies resulted in the developing and publishing of many ontologies in the same or different domains. When users try to reuse the existing ontologies in their applications, they may encounter problems determining the most appropriate ontology based on their needs. Ontology evaluation is a process that helps users to examine the quality of the ontology based on different attributes. Many accessible and usable tools for ontology evaluation have been studied in the literature. However, finding an efficient ontology evaluation tool, following ontology specifications and their requirements (advantages/disadvantages), is still missing, limiting the researchers from determining possible future research. This paper aims to help new researchers and practitioners identify appropriate ontology evaluation tools based on their requirements and provide guidelines for future research directions on the same topic. This paper provides a detailed description of the different types of ontologies and classifies the available ontology evaluation tools into two categories, namely domain dependant ontology evaluation tools and domain-independent ontology evaluation tools.

Keywords: Ontology, evaluation, ontology evaluation tools, evaluation metrics, evaluation approaches, computational guarantees.

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