International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Haythem Hayouni*

DOI: 10.2174/2210327912666220405155841

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EECH/CF: An Energy-efficient Cluster Head Election and Cluster Formation Algorithms for WSNs

Page: [292 - 301] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background and Objective: Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of sensor nodes with a limited battery life and limited communication distance. The minimal energy expended by the sensor nodes and network can be achieved either by reducing the number of communications or by controlling the topology. Thus, energy consumption can be optimized by employing several techniques, such as clustering. Clustering allows the network to be divided into a set of clusters, each of which is managed by a cluster head. In a hierarchical cluster-based WSN, the cluster head receives the data from its sensor members, aggregates it and sends the result to the base station, which leads to an extra overload. So, the selection of appropriate cluster head plays a very important role in conserving the energy of the sensor nodes and extend the lifetime of the network. This paper introduces an energyefficient cluster head election and cluster formation algorithm for WSNs, called EECH/CF. To select cluster heads, our proposal election algorithm uses the initial and residual energy level of the sensor nodes, and efficiently creates the different clusters using an appropriate mechanism. Performance evaluation has shown a significant improvement in energy conservation and the network lifetime for EECH/CF in comparison to some existing clustering algorithms.

Methods: Our proposal election algorithm uses the initial and residual energy level of the sensor nodes, and efficiently creates the different clusters using an appropriate mechanism.

Results and Discussion: Performance evaluation has shown a significant improvement in energy conservation and the network lifetime for EECH/CF in comparison to some existing clustering algorithms.

Conclusion: Results show that our clustering algorithms improve the lifetime of the network as we expected. Indeed, the delay before the death of the first node can be up to seven times longer with EECH/CF.

Keywords: WSNs, clustering, cluster head, election, residual energy, network lifetime.

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