Current Bioactive Compounds

Author(s): Eliana B. Souto*, Catarina I. Barbosa, Iara Baldim, Joana R. Campos, Ana R. Fernandes, Priscila G. Mazzola, Tatiana Andreani, Isabel R. Dias, Alessandra Durazzo, Massimo Lucarini, Atanas G. Atanasov, Amélia M. Silva and Antonello Santini*

DOI: 10.2174/1573407218666220404110837

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Modified Drug Delivery Systems for Veterinary Use: Pharmaceutical Development and Applications

Article ID: e040422203061 Pages: 8

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Scientific research in the field of veterinary pharmacology has provided new opportunities for the development of modified release dosage forms, with the aim to improve therapeutic efficacy and reduce animal stress. The formulation of classical drug molecules with advanced biomaterials has become a new approach to increasing drug bioavailability and improving the therapeutic outcome. The main reasons for the development of modified drug delivery systems for animal use are the need to reduce the animal stress caused by the handling and administration of the drug and reduce the cost in financial and chronological terms. This review discusses the most common delivery systems used in veterinary and the difficulties encountered in innovating therapeutic options in the field.

Keywords: Veterinary formulations, oral drug delivery, intravaginal administration, eye administration, parenteral administration, therapeutic efficacy.

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