Background: Trust and security are the biggest challenges facing the Cooperative Spectrum
Sensing (CSS) process in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs). The Spectrum Sensing Data Falsification
(SSDF) attack is considered the biggest threat menacing CSS.
Methods: This paper investigates the performance of different soft data combining rules such as Maximal
Ratio Combining (MRC), Square Law Selection (SLS), Square Law Combining (SLC), and Selection
Combining (SC), in the presence of Always Yes and Always No Malicious User (AYMU and
Results: This comparative study aims to assess the impact of such malicious users on the reliability of
various soft data fusion schemes in terms of miss detection and false alarm probabilities. Furthermore,
computer simulations are performed to show that the soft data fusion scheme using MRC is the best in
the field of soft data computing.
Conclusion: ANMU has a slight impact on CSS. Yet, AYMU affects the cooperative detection performance.
SSDF attacks, cognitive radio, cooperative spectrum sensing, malicious user, soft data combining, ROC.
Graphical Abstract
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