Depression is a complex neurological disorder. More than two hundred million people
are affected by depression. Anti-depressant drugs prescribed to alleviate the symptoms associated
with depression can interact with the neuroendocrine system and alter the level of neurotransmitters
in the CNS. Dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and other hormones influence human reproductive
functions and sexual behavior. Anti-depressant drugs induce multiple hormonal and neurochemical
changes throughout the central and peripheral nervous system. They were found to impair male sexual
function by altering the concentration of androgenic hormones. Moreover, they were found to
deteriorate semen parameters and adversely affect the integrity of sperm DNA. The paper describes
the role of anti-depressants in inducing male infertility and the potential of traditionally used medicinal
plants in restoring male fertility, which is compromised by anti-depressants. Medicinal plants
have been reported to restore testosterone, FSH, and LH level in patients who consume antidepressants.
Although the studies could not provide a specific mechanism, it has been reported that
the plants showed the ability to upregulated anti-oxidant pathways and counter the oxidative stress
induced by anti-oxidants which inhibit sperm DNA damage and improve semen parameters.
Anti-depressant, male infertility, hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, dopamine, testosterone, medicinal plant.
Graphical Abstract
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