Current Drug Research Reviews

Author(s): Shima Sadeghinezhad, Ehsan Khodamoradi*, Loghman Diojan, Shahram Taeb and Masoud Najafi

DOI: 10.2174/2589977514666220321114415

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Radioprotective Mechanisms of Arbutin: A Systematic Review

Page: [132 - 138] Pages: 7

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Purpose: Efforts to produce radioprotective agents of high potential are appropriate strategies for overcoming possible IR toxicity in organisms. The present research aims to evaluate the signaling pathways and mechanisms through which arbutin exerts radioprotective effects on organisms.

Methods: The databases of PubMed, Web of Sciences, Google Scholar, and Scopus were searched to find studies that reported radioprotective effects for arbutin. Besides, the data were searched within the time period from 2010 to 2020.

Results: Five research articles met our criteria, which were included in the analysis based on their relevance to the topic. The present systematic review provides conclusions about various mechanisms and pathways through which arbutin induces radioprotection.

Conclusions: Based on the relevant studies, various mechanisms can be proposed for inducing radioprotective effects by arbutin, including inhibition of oxidative stress, apoptosis, and inflammation.

Keywords: Arbutin, radioprotection, systematic review, ionizing radiation, oxidative stress, apoptosis.

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