Current Medical Imaging

Author(s): Kalpana Devi Kariyappa*, Murali Krishnaswami, Francis Gnanaprakasam and Madan Ramachandran

DOI: 10.2174/1573405618666220225084718

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Imaging Paradigms in Nontraumatic Aortic Emergencies

Article ID: e250222201431 Pages: 13

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Aortic cause of acute chest pain or abdominal pain can be easily overlooked. Unceasing wariness is required for timely diagnosis and prompt treatment. In such cases, cross-sectional imaging can detect the type of aortic involvement, its site, extent, complications, and could help clinicians decide on a management method and prognosticate the condition. This pictorial illustration represents a spectrum of life-threatening conditions involving the aorta in a non-traumatic setting.

Keywords: Acute aortic syndrome, atherosclerotic ulcer, aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, TEVAR, postoperative aorta.

Graphical Abstract

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