International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

Author(s): Ayushi Sharma* and Kavita Pandey

DOI: 10.2174/2405520415666220217152355

Recent Advancements in Techniques used to Solve the RSU Deployment Problem in VANETs: A Comprehensive Survey

Page: [184 - 193] Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Vehicular ad hoc network makes use of Roadside Unit to boost the communication ability and provide internet access to vehicles. Unfortunately, in big cities with dense road network topology, wireless propagation is disrupted due to several obstacles. Hence, a crowded RSU deployment is required for full coverage of the urban environment. However, the installation cost of RSU is immense; researchers thought of solving this issue as an optimization problem whose objective is to cover all parts of the roads with a minimum number of RSUs, in return reducing the cost of the entire VANET deployment. In this article, a brief account has been given on VANET and its challenges, followed by a survey of different methods introduced to solve the RSU deployment problem. It will help the reader to get a quick glance at the progress made in the field over the years.

Keywords: Roadside unit, vehicular ad hoc network, deployment, vehicle to infrastructure, vehicle to vehicle, optimization, coverage, traffic sensing.

Graphical Abstract

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