Current Traditional Medicine

Author(s): Ashutosh Chauhan*, Deepak Kumar Semwal and Sunil Kumar Joshi

DOI: 10.2174/2215083808666220211161918

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An Overview of Biotechnological Applications in Ayurveda: Amalgamation of Modern Techniques and Science

Article ID: e110222201080 Pages: 10

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Health systems and their trends are continually evolving with advanced research on new tools and techniques. Since every health system has its limitations, there is a requirement for the integration of different medical systems to better serve mankind. In this direction, a practitioner of modern medicine should take into consideration traditional medicine practices, while the traditional medicine practitioner should also integrate the beneficial strategies of modern medicine. In spite of different approaches, the aim of all these medical systems is the same, which is to serve mankind by treating various health problems. Although traditional medicine has the potential to treat a variety of diseases, its acceptance by the global community is less than that of modern medicine due to inadequate scientific validation of its therapeutic benefits. In recent years, many new diseases have emerged, perhaps due to changes in geography, environment, weather conditions, and soil composition. A complete treatment of such diseases is a challenge for all medical practitioners, whether belonging to modern or traditional medicine. Therefore, an in-depth multidisciplinary research is needed to find an effective therapeutic strategy by connecting modern and traditional medical systems with biomedical sciences. In this direction, biotechnology can play an important role in developing a diagnostic method and treatment protocol. The present review provides an overview of the available Ayurvedic treatment options and future possibilities in which biotechnology may assist as a service provider.

Keywords: Western medicine, traditional medicine, Ayurveda, biotechnology, artemisinin, COVID-19.

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