Current Chinese Chemistry

Author(s): Dinesh Kumar Patel*

DOI: 10.2174/2666001601666210923123629

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Medicinal Importance, Pharmacological Activities and Analytical Aspects of Canadine in Medicine: An Important Phytochemical of Hydrastis canadensis

Article ID: e230921196750 Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Natural products and their derived phytochemicals are used in medicine. Natural products have gained importance in modern medicine due to their therapeutic potential and beneficial effects on human health and disorders. Plenty of herbal drug-based products are available in the market and are playing an important role in the human health care system due to their beneficial properties in human beings. In the modern age, we can find many herbal-based products in the market mainly prepared from natural products and used for the prevention and treatment of various human disorders. Benzylisoquinoline alkaloids are an important class of alkaloidal compounds. They include morphine, codeine, sanguinarine, berberine, and canadine, which are mainly known for their medicinal value.

Methods: Hydrastis canadensis is an important medicinal plant found to contain a significant amount of canadine, hydrastine, and berberine. In the present investigation, numerous scientific databases such as Google, PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and Scopus have been searched to collect important scientific information of canadine and analyzed to determine the beneficial aspects of canadine on health and medicine. All the collected scientific data were analyzed and categorized according to pharmacological and analytical aspects.

Results: From the analysis of the collected scientific information, it was found that Hydrastis canadensis contains a significant amount of canadine with many more phytochemicals, including canadaline, hydrastidine, isohydrastidine, etc. Pharmacological activity data analysis revealed the biological importance of Hydrastis canadensis in medicine for their traditional uses against gastritis, colitis, duodenal ulcers, loss of appetite, liver disease, bile secretion disorder, snake bites, and vaginitis in medicine. However, scientific data analysis of canadine revealed its effectiveness in acetylcholinesterase inhibitory activity, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-allergic activity, and anti-oxidant activity. Different modern analytical tools have been used in modern medicine for the isolation and quantification of canadine in the Hydrastis canadensis.

Conclusion: Present investigation revealed the medicinal importance and pharmacological activities of canadine in medicine for the treatment of numerous human health complications. These scientific data will be helpful for scientists in knowing the biological importance of canadine in medicine against various forms of human complications.

Keywords: Benzylisoquinoline alkaloid, canadine, herbal medicine, Hydrastis canadensis, phytochemical, pharmacological.

Graphical Abstract

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