There are few diseases where as much therapeutic progress has been made in recent years as in multiple sclerosis. Nine different drug classes with more than a dozen approved therapies are now available. Similarly, there have been unimaginable advances in understanding neuromyelitis optica (now neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder [NMOSD]) over the past 15 years. Building on the knowledge gained, the first therapies have been approved in recent years. In this review, we aim to present all therapies approved for the treatment of MS or NMOSD. The different forms of application, different approval criteria and most important side effects will be presented. This work is intended for physicians who are interested in MS and NMOSD therapies and want to get a first overview and does not replace the respective guidelines of the regulatory authorities.
Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, NMOSD, treatment, monoclonal antiboides, side effects, immune-modulation.