Background: Parkinson’s Disease (PD) exhibits the extrapyramidal symptoms caused due to the dopaminergic neuronal degeneration in the substantia nigra of the brain and depletion of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) enzyme.
Objective: This study was designed to enlighten the importance of the Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme in protecting the dopamine levels in a living system. Camalexin, a potentially active compound, has been evaluated for its dopamine enhancing and aldehyde dehydrogenase protecting role in pesticide-induced Parkinson’s disease.
Methods: AutoDock 4.2 software was employed to perform the docking simulations between the ligand camalexin and standard drugs Alda-1, Ropirinole with three proteins 4WJR, 3INL, 5AER. Consequently, the compound was evaluated for its in vivo neuroprotective role in the zebrafish model by attaining Institutional Animal Ethical Committee permission. The behavioral assessments and catecholamine analysis in zebrafish were performed.
Results: The Autodock result shows that the ligand camalexin has a lower binding energy (-3.84) that indicates a higher affinity with the proteins when compared to the standard drug of proteins (-3.42). In the zebrafish model, behavioral studies provided evidence that camalexin helps in the improvement of motor functions and cognition. The catecholamine assay has proved that there is an enhancement in dopamine levels, as well as an improvement in aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme.
Conclusion: The novel compound, camalexin, offers a protective role in Parkinson’s disease model by its interaction with neurochemical proteins and also in alternative in vivo model.
Keywords: Camalexin, Autodock 4.2, Alda-1, aldehyde dehydrogenase, benomyl, Parkinson’s disease.