Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of insertion and
maintenance of 163 peripherally inserted central venous catheters in juvenile patients oncological.
Methods: This is an observational study of a cross-sectional and longitudinal collection, with quantitative
approach of secondary data from patient’s medical records that underwent the procedure
for a peripheral insertion central catheter implantation, carried out in a non-profit Health Institution
(HI) in Sao Paulo, Brazil, specialized in the treatment of childhood-juvenile cancer, and which attends
children and adolescents from all regions of Brazil.
Results: The measurement of the external catheter, when greater than 2 centimeters, negatively influences
the period of the segment used (p = 0.007) and is associated with catheter removal for unforeseen
causes (p = 0.013); displacement was the main cause of unexpected removal of peripherally
inserted central venous catheter.
Conclusion: Peripherally inserted central venous catheter is a safe option when the entire therapeutic
trajectory is reached.
Catheters, child, neoplasms, pediatric nursing, oncological, health institution.
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