Current Diabetes Reviews

Author(s): Isadora Pombeiro, João Moura, M. Graça Pereira and Eugénia Carvalho*

DOI: 10.2174/1573399817666210806112813

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Stress-Reducing Psychological Interventions as Adjuvant Therapies for Diabetic Chronic Wounds

Article ID: e060821195361 Pages: 11

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a major complication of diabetes mellitus and a leading cause of lower limb amputation. Interventions to reduce psychological stress may have the potential to improve self-care and greatly reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with DFU. This review is focused on the consequences of psychological stress in wound healing and reflects on the effects of currently used psychological stress-reducing interventions in patients with DFU, proposing new applications for currently used stress-reduction interventions.

Results: Stress is a natural and fundamental survival mechanism that becomes harmful when chronic. DFU is associated with high levels of anxiety and chronic psychological stress. Chronic stressinduced cortisol and adrenaline release impair wound healing, independently of the stressor. Psychological stress-reducing interventions, such as relaxation with guided imagery, biofeedback-assisted relaxation, mindfulness-based strategies, and hypnosis, can lead to a reduction in perceived stress and improve wound healing by reducing wound inflammation and pain while improving glycemic control. All stress reduction interventions also lead to pain relief and improved patient’s quality of life.

Conclusion: Psychological stress-reducing interventions are promising adjuvant therapies for DFU. Their clinical application can improve self-care by tackling patient’s expectations, anxieties, and fears. They can also help patients manage stress and pain while reducing wound inflammation and improving wound healing.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, diabetic wound healing, diabetic foot ulcer, psychological stress, psychological stress-reducing interventions, hypnosis, muscle relaxation.

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