Background: Antifungal Peptides (AFP) have been found to be effective against many fungal
Objective: However, it is difficult to identify AFP. Therefore, it is great practical significance to identify
AFP via machine learning methods (with sequence information).
Methods: In this study, a Multi-Kernel Support Vector Machine (MKSVM) with Hilbert-Schmidt Independence
Criterion (HSIC) is proposed. Proteins are encoded with five types of features (188-bit,
AAC, ASDC, CKSAAP, DPC), and then construct kernels using Gaussian kernel function. HSIC are
used to combine kernels and multi-kernel SVM model is built.
Results: Our model performed well on three AFPs datasets and the performance is better than or comparable
to other state-of-art predictive models.
Conclusion: Our method will be a useful tool for identifying antifungal peptides.
Antifungal peptides, feature representation, amino acid composition, multiple kernel learning, hilbert-schmidt independence criterion, support vector machine.
Graphical Abstract
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