Micro and Nanosystems

Author(s): Md. Faruk Hossen*, Md. Ali Asraf, Md. Kudrat-E-Zahan and Choudhary M. Zakaria

DOI: 10.2174/1876402913666210726165017

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Review on the Development of Jute Polyethylene Nanocomposites as a Function of Fiber Chemical Treatments

Page: [166 - 186] Pages: 21

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


The research on jute fiber reinforced polymer composites is an emergent concern with the development of new materials due to their significant properties like economical, partially biodegradable, and environment friendly. It is wondered that the hydrophilic nature of jute fiber negatively affects the interfacial interaction with hydrophobic polymeric materials in the composite, which then affects the resultant mechanical, microstructural and physico-chemical absorption properties. In order to overcome this fact, researchers have carried out some techniques for fiber surface chemical treatments. On the other hand, due to the low processing costs and design flexibility, thermoplastics deal many benefits over thermoset polymers, and polyethylene shows excellent processing behaviors such as low density, low cost, considerable flex life, outstanding surface hardness, scratch resistance and good electrical insulator. Besides the traditional thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers, montmorillonite nanoclay is also receiving attention to manufacturing fiber polymer nanocomposites for industrial and household applications as well. This review is considered to highlight the progress of jute fiber reinforced polymer nanocomposites. The study also focuses on the several features of jute polymer composites and nanocomposites as a function of fiber chemical treatments.

Keywords: Polymer nanocomposites, jute fiber, hydrophilic nature, chemical treatments, jute polyethylene composites, clay as nanofiller, jute clay nanocomposites.

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