Cancer is one of the major reasons for mortality across the globe. Many side-effects are associated with the
formulations available in the market, affecting the quality of life of the patients. This has caused the researchers to find
an alternative source of medications, such as herbal medicine, showing a promising effect in anticancer treatment; one
such source is Pomegranate, which belongs to the family Punicaceae. Punica granatum contains many polyphenols that
have antioxidant, antidiabetic, and therapeutic effects in the treatment and management of metabolic and cardiovascular
diseases, as well as a favourable effect on anticancer therapy. Polyphenols like punicalin, punicalagin, and ellagic
acid are a few of the many compounds responsible for the anticancer activity of pomegranate. Many preparations of
pomegranate, such as Pomegranate Juice (PJ), Pomegranate Seed Oil (PSO), Pomegranate peel extract (PoPx), etc. are
used in various clinical studies. These polyphenols show anticancer activity by either arresting the cell cycle in the
G2/M phase, inducing apoptosis or damaging the DNA of tumor cells. This review explicitly discusses the role and
mechanism of bioactives obtained from the pomegranate in the treatment and management of cancer. The chemical
structure, properties, and role of pomegranate in the treatment of breast, lung, thyroid, colon, and prostate cancer have
been focused on in detail. This review also discusses various targeted drug delivery approaches for tumour treatment as
well as patented preparation of pomegranate compounds along with the ongoing clinical trials.
Cancer, pomegranate, polyphenols, natural bioactive, Punica granatum, punicalin, punicalagin, ellagic acid.
Graphical Abstract
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