Introduction: Gangliocytic paraganglioma is an extremely rare tumor that is composed of epithelioid, ganglion, and spindle cells. It has a predilection site in the duodenum, especially the periampullary region. The clinical course is usually benign, but a few cases of metastasis to lymph nodes or distant sites have been noted. Several case reports or small series reviews of gangliocytic paraganglioma have been published, but so far, cecal gangliocytic paraganglioma has not been described.
Case Description: A 61-year-old man underwent an abdominal Computed Tomography (CT) scan for known GB stones, which revealed an incidental cecal mass. The patient underwent wedge resection of the cecum for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Histopathological examination of the cecal mass identified a gangliocytic paraganglioma. There was no evidence of metastasis in the dissected regional lymph nodes. No additional treatment, such as adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy, was administered, and the patient underwent regular follow-up without any complications.
Conclusion: The most common radiologic finding in gangliocytic paraganglioma is a circumscribed, enhancing subepithelial mass. Herein, we report an uncommon case of cecal-origin gangliocytic paraganglioma. With knowledge of the radiologic and histologic characteristics of gangliocytic paraganglioma, appropriate management can be provided without unnecessary radical resection.
Keywords: Gangliocytic paraganglioma, neuroendocrine tumor, gastrointestinal tract, paraganglioma, gangliocytic paraganglioma CT, gangliocytic paraganglioma MR.