Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy

Author(s): Ebrahim Rahmani-Moghadam, Vahideh Zarrin, Amir Mahmoodzadeh, Marzieh Owrang and Tahereh Talaei-Khozani*

DOI: 10.2174/1574888X16666210622125309

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Comparison of the Characteristics of Breast Milk-derived Stem Cells with the Stem Cells Derived from the Other Sources: A Comparative Review

Page: [71 - 90] Pages: 20

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Breast milk (BrM) is not only a nutrition supply but also contains a diverse population of cells. It has been estimated that up to 6% of the cells in human milk possess the characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). Available data also indicate that these cells are multipotent and capable of self-renewal and differentiation to other cells. In this review, we have compared different characteristics such as CD markers, differentiation capacity, and morphology of stem cells derived from human breast milk (hBr-MSC) with human bone marrow (hBMSC), Wharton's jelly (WJMSC), and human adipose tissue (hADMSC). The literature review revealed that human breast milk-derived stem cells specifically express a group of cell surface markers, including CD14, CD31, CD45, and CD86. Importantly, a group of markers, CD13, CD29, CD44, CD105, CD106, CD146, and CD166, were identified which were common in the four sources of stem cells. WJMSC, hBMSC, hADMSC, and hBr-MSC are potently able to differentiate into the mesoderm, ectoderm, and endoderm cell lineages. The ability of hBr-MSCs in differentiation into the neural stem cells, neurons, adipocyte, hepatocyte, chondrocyte, osteocyte, and cardiomyocytes has made these cells a promising source of stem cells in regenerative medicine, while isolation of stem cells from the commonly used sources, such as bone marrow, requires invasive procedures. Although autologous breast milk-derived stem cells are an accessible source for women who are in the lactation period, breast milk can be considered a source of stem cells with high differentiation potential without any ethical concern.

Keywords: Mesenchymal stem cell, breast milk, bone marrow, Wharton's jelly, adipose tissue, differentiation.

Graphical Abstract

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