Background: Abortion is one of the most common side effects of pregnancy, which has had shown a steady or even growing trend over the past few decades despite extensive efforts in prenatal care.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate medical interventions for abortions in pregnant women referring to educational and medical centers in Shiraz, Iran, in 2018.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 437 pregnant women referred to Shiraz Educational and Forensic Medicine Centers were selected. A questionnaire including demographic characteristics, midwifery information and types of medical interventions was completed for each. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using statistical tests.
Results: According to the results of the present study, most subjects were aged 31-40 years (202 (46%)), had a high school diploma (183 (41%)), and were housewives (331 (57%)). Most of their gestational age was in the range of 16-20 weeks (184 (41%)). There was also a significant positive relationship observed between maternal age and gestational age (p = 0.01). Misoprostol and cervical Foley were the most used methods in induced abortions with a forensic permit (44.3%), vaginal misoprostol was the most used method in induced abortions with other indications (43.9%), and most spontaneous abortions involved no intervention (41.9%).
Conclusion: Considering the importance of the medical abortion method, it is suggested to be considered for patients with different conditions in interventional studies. Also, the correct use of different family planning methods and identification of factors affecting the use of contraceptives are recommended after an abortion. Women’s education and men’s participation should be considered in the prevention of high-risk and unwanted pregnancies.
Keywords: Abortion, pregnancy, termination, misoprostol, cervical Foley, therapeutic, women, fetus.