The Natural Products Journal

Author(s): Venelin Petkov*, Iva Slavova, Desislava Teneva, Tzvetelina Mladenova, Plamen Stoyanov and Mariana Argirova

DOI: 10.2174/2210315511666210512024716

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Phytochemical Study and Biological Activity of Three Fern Species of the Asplenium Genus Growing in Bulgaria

Article ID: e120521193308 Pages: 9

  • * (Excluding Mailing and Handling)


Background: Ferns are underestimated as medicinal plants and their use in traditional medicine is limited despite their diversity. Most of the research on their healing properties and phytochemical composition related to their biological activity has been focused on the secondary metabolites synthesized by ferns.

Objective: In this study, we aimed to make an in-depth chemical characterization of three ferns widely spread in Bulgaria - Asplenium ceterach L., Asplenium scolopendrium L. and Asplenium trichomanes L.

Methods: Micro elemental analysis was carried out using ICP-MS. Standard laboratory methods were used to determine the content of proteins, fats and fatty acids. Chromatographic methods were applied to quantify some secondary metabolites. Two antioxidant methods and two antimicrobial tests were used to evaluate the biological properties of the ferns tested.

Results: Micro elemental analysis showed that these ferns could be useful source of zinc and iron. Protein content slightly varied among the species (13.6% - 18.4% of the dried plant weight). Negligible was the variation in oil content (3.1% - 4.0%, dry weight base); oil composition was dominated by saturated fatty acids. Some principal classes secondary metabolites, individual phenolic acids and flavonoids were quantified. The extract obtained from Asplenium ceterach L. demonstrated the highest antioxidant capacity. Fern extracts showed moderate antimicrobial activity against six of the 14 microorganisms tested.

Conclusion: The results obtained may reveal new areas of application for ferns and are a solid basis for comparison with the same species growing in other geographical and climatic conditions, which may affect their healing properties.

Keywords: Asplenium ferns, antioxidants, antimicrobial agent, microelements, fatty acids, biodiversity.

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