Background: Owing to the rising trend of agro wastes, efforts are being geared towards producing environmentally friendly welding flux. This project developed a nano-flux powder (MnO) from banana peel using nano-technology. For the first time, manganese was synthesized from banana peel ash. After that, the nano mixtures were centrifuged and calcinated to obtain nano flux powder.
Methods: The surface morphology and physio-chemical properties of the nanopowder produced and control were determined using X-ray Powder Diffraction, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Scanning Electron Microscopy along with Elemental Dispersive X-ray to analyze its composition. Also, the particle size was obtained using the Digmizer image.
Results: The developed nano-flux powder has a mean area of 407.72 nm2, a mean perimeter of 51.02 nm, and a length of 3.89 nm less than the commercial flux. The FTIR revealed the maximum peak of wave number 415z.00 cm-1, which shows a broad high concentration than the control with wavenumber 3546 cm-1. XRD result shows that manganese oxide is present in the powder with the highest intensity at MnO (110) with Quartz at 2Ɵ = 26o, having a current of 9.26A and hematite at 2Ɵ = 28% having a current 5.34A over the control. From the EDS of qualitative analysis of the powders, manganese and oxygen were present in high quantities in the developed flux with 29.45% and 38.70% than in control with 3.15% and 23.30%, which confirmed the nano-flux as Manganese Oxide (MnO). The results show that nano-flux powder can be produced from agrowaste with better properties and applications.
Conclusion: From the results and discussion, banana peel was used to develop Manganese oxide flux powder, using nanotechnology, and it was characterized alongside commercial flux powder as a control.
Keywords: Nanotechnology, nanoparticle, agrowaste, flux, powder, banana peel, welding.